Monday, May 13, 2013

Like Peas In a Pod

My simile for English.

Naruto Doodle

(Some people prefer different lighting. Idk lol.)
This is Naruto Uzumaki and he's going to be the next Hokage, BELIEVE IT!

Origami Piano and Chair

Hi guys! I got in an origami mood today, so now I'm going to show you how to make a piano
and a chair with origami.
First you need 2 pieces of paper and scissors.
Now you need to turn the two sheets of paper into perfect squares. Please see Origami Cranes/Swans to learn how to do that. (You just fold one corner up to the edge of a sheet to make a perfect square and than cut off the excess paper.)
First well start with the piano. Step 1: Fold the paper in half.
Step 2: Fold in half again.
Step 3: Unfold once. There should be a crease down the middle now.
Step 4: Fold both sides to the middle crease.
Step 5: Unfold. Than fold the upper corners to the two creases.
Step 6: Open up the inside flaps and fold it back down so you have a triangle shape on top.
Step 7: Do step 6 to both sides.
 Step 8: Take the bottom flap and fold it to the top edge.
 Step 9: Fold the side quadrangles toward the middle crease.
 Step 10: Now it should look like this.
 Step 11: The piano can stand up now!
 Step 12: Fix your piano, so the 'keys' sit forward. Ta-da! Piano!
 Now let's make the chair. Start with your perfect square.
 Step 1: First fold the sheet in half. On a side note, the chair will be created
very similar to the way the piano was created.
 Step 2: Open up the sheet and than fold both edges to the center crease.
 Step 3: Cut off one of the 1/4 pieces. You won't be needing it.
Step 4:  Now fold the sheet in half. Crease it the opposite way than you folded earlier.
 Step 5: Take the upper right and left hand corners. Fold them to the two creases.
 Step 6: Do what you did for step 6 while creating a piano.
 Step 7: But this time overlap the middle portions.
 Step 8: Now fold up the middle flap to the top edge.
 Step 9: Fold in the outer edges.
 Step 10: It should look like this.
 Step 11: Yay! Now you can stand up your chair.
 Step 12: Just fold down the seat. Hazzah! A cute paper chair.
 Here is another shot of your piano and chair at the end.
 You can just add some piano keys for decoration and even slip
in a decorated sheet of paper to look like a sheet of music(:

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Origami Crane (Swan)

Whether it's a crane or a swan, I'm going to go step by step on how to make one.
First let me show you the end product.
Alright now here is what you need to make a swan. Paper and scissors.

You need a perfect square sheet of paper for this, but if you don't have one I have a quick way of making one. Just fold one side diagonally until it touches another side (as shown below).
Than you simply cut of the excess edge.
Now unfold the perfect square sheet of paper.
Now we can get started on actually making the crane/swan. Step 1: Fold the sheet in half.
Step 2: Do it again.
Step 3: Unfold it once.
Step 4: Take the bottom right corner on the closed end and fold it up to the top of the crease.
Step 5: Flip the paper upside down.
Step 6: Repeat step 4 on the other side.
Step 7: Look down the opening.
Step 8: Open it up more.
Step 9: Now crease it in the opposite direction.
Step 10: It should look like this inside.
Step 11: Fold both the top edges toward the middle crease.
Step 12: Now open it up a little.
Step 13: It should look like this from the side as you fold it back.
Step 14: Fold both edges toward the middle crease.
Step 15: Press it down to make it look like this.
Step 16: Flip it over and repeat steps 11-15 on the other side until it looks like this.
 Step 17: See how there are little flaps on one end?
 Step 18: On those flaps you need to fold in the edges toward the middle.
 Step 19: Flip it over. Make sure to do step 18 on both sides.
 Step 20: Open up the sides of these flaps.
 Step 21: Press it down to look like this.
 Step 22: After you do it on both sides, it'll look like this (see below).
Step 23: Now take the bottom corner and fold it up to touch the top two corners.
 Step 24: Press down to make the crease stay.
 Step 25: Flip it over.
 Step 26: Do step 23 and 24 on both sides.
 Step 27: It should look like this.
 Step 28: See the opening on the sides?
 Step 29: Fold them both up like you did on step 20 and 21.
 Step 30: Make sure and do it on both sides.
 Step 31: Now fold down the sides. These are your wings.
 Step 32: Make sure your crane/swan has two wings.
 Step 33: Pull out the wings, head, and tail a little so the crane/swan will stand up.
 Step 34: BAM! Here's your crane/swan. These next few steps deal with making the head.
 Now you just bend the head down.
 Than you squeeze up the head a little to give it more of a bird looking shape.
 Ta-da! A crane/swan!